Comments on: WHERE TO BUY RAE DUNN THAT WILL MAKE YOUR FARMHOUSE DECOR Mon, 02 Jan 2023 08:00:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Linda McDonald Mon, 21 Jun 2021 17:40:24 +0000 In reply to Tanya.

It is more of a challenge to find Rae Dunn cheaper in Canada. It is just an idea but replies with what items you are looking for and maybe someone will see it and give you suggestions online where to find it for a lower price. Other than that keep looking on Etsy, eBay, and Amazon too.

By: Tanya Fri, 18 Jun 2021 22:08:18 +0000 Hi there I live in Annapolis Royal N.S, Canada we are building an open concept 3 bedroom with loft and I have taking a liking to Rae Dunn but not price. Were building our home with savings and cash pay check to pay ch8eck and really think I want to incorporate the Rae Dunn decor. My question is where is a good place for me to start buying some here and there at a lower price? We do not have TJ max, or any of those stores here unfortunately so just wondering where a good place would be to start? Also if anyone has any great decor ideas I would love to hear them! The more the better I have been selling everything to start buying new & new to me stuff cheap, affordable you know that will look amazing. We will be moving in late fall so times is ticking!! Thanks in advance to anyone who has some advice, ideas for me..

By: 10 SPRING DECOR IDEAS | LIFE ON SUMMERHILL Tue, 09 Mar 2021 13:47:38 +0000 […] you love adding Rae Dunn piece but not sure where to start then start with where to buy Rae Dunn. And if you want to know more about Rae Dunn then check out what is Rae […]

By: Linda McDonald Sat, 09 Jan 2021 13:23:18 +0000 In reply to Karen Diaque.

Whoa! 150? That is crazy! I know some people that when they travel they hit up other TJ Maxx stores. Apparently, not all TJ Maxx stores sell out so fast. It is something to consider.

By: Karen Diaque Thu, 07 Jan 2021 07:11:01 +0000 In reply to Linda McDonald.

I feel your pain this season I started to collect the xmas season ones and there was a guy every single day in line be for the store opened and had all the mugs…I can never find anything I been also trying on offerup but they double or triple the price on everything I been trying to look for the coffe canister and cant find it anywhere,
Online there selling it for 150

By: Linda McDonald Sun, 11 Oct 2020 19:17:49 +0000 In reply to Maary Lou Bailey.

Is this what you are looking for? Tap the link to see where someone put one on Etsy.

By: Maary Lou Bailey Sun, 11 Oct 2020 17:46:41 +0000 I am looking for the “Live, Love, Bark” 9″ tray. I need one for a gift for a new dog!
Thank you.

By: Linda McDonald Tue, 01 Sep 2020 14:07:09 +0000 In reply to Patty.

That is a very good question. The only other place I find Rae Dunn is in little home accessory stores. Where do you have luck finding Rae Dunn in Canada?

By: Patty Mon, 31 Aug 2020 17:29:27 +0000 My daughter Kristen and her bestie Leigh collect in Alberta Canada and I’m wondering If other places that people on this site of yours shop.
They have so much fun looking for your beautiful pieces.
Sincerely patty

By: FARMHOUSE COFFEE BAR IDEAS | LIFE ON SUMMERHILL Wed, 19 Feb 2020 19:52:44 +0000 […] you're wondering where to buy Rae Dunn pieces, we wrote a post that will help you […]
